The fresh flower bouquet alternative, The Broach Bouquet

The fresh flower bouquet alternative, The Broach Bouquet

December 3, 2012

Looking for a different option other than the floral bridal bouquet?

Look no further, the broach bouquet is the fresh flower alternative.   Broach bouquets can be a great do-it-yourself project for a bride and her friends and family; collecting beautiful vintage pieces from garage sales and antique stores.

Broach bouquets can also be custom made in your wedding color scheme or theme.

The colors and styles are limitless….

Here are some great websites that offer custom bridal broach bouquets.

*Remember all these pieces are custom made to order, so brides give yourself enough time to place your order.  4-6 months is an average turnaround time.  Some websites offer rush building/shipping, but it is always better to order early just in case you run into a snaffu.*